Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Wait Cycle

I'm supposed to just be waiting around for the next cycle, but I'm not very patient. I'm temping again, although very causally. I'm not worrying about the exact time, some days it's not even close. After I have a sustained temp rise I'm done for the cycle. No obsessing about any potential patterns. I got a positive OPK yesterday, the first time with a digital test and boy was I doing the happy dance. I've had a few acupuncture treatments as well, which I find very relaxing and balancing. I was supposed to have one today, but unfortunately it was canceled. It would have been nice to get one more in before I ovulated. I've also been drinking red raspberry leaf tea and grapefruit juice. The grapefruit juice is for sure doing what those "old wives" said it would and I'll leave it at that for your own (Googling) imaginations. How cool would it be if all these little things, that may not be scientific, added up to a baby? Damn hopefulness.


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